Paolo Guenzi




The design of this creation is inspired by the idea of ​​connecting, which represents the relationship between the seller and the customer. These elements show trust and connection.

Consolidation and loyalty are represented by small nodes that act as bullet points and attract the attention of participants in multimedia learning resources.

The separation of the small sub-chapters within the videos is indicated by the movement of a puzzle, of two shapes that fit together to symbolize the handshake between customer and seller.

Considering the effort that goes into winning over a customer, it is definitely advisable to try to make the most of every possible opportunity to keep him over time and, where possible, to grow with him. This program focuses on the consolidation and development of commercial opportunities on existing customers, with a view to loyalty and business expansion with them.

Responds to the needs of a seller of identify priorities in the management of the relationship portfolio, offers solutions based on the exchange of value, expand the network of relationships with different interlocutors in a client, create lasting bonds based on satisfaction, trust and loyalty. The course develops both skills management and relational aspects typical of commercial activities.

This course is designed for sellers and agents with consolidated experience, product and service specialists, and in general for commercial figures who are responsible for managing the most relevant customers of a company.

DIARY: Moments of guided self-reflection, which allow you to get to know you better, creating continuous and direct links between the theoretical knowledge presented and the participant's professional practice.