Interactive Assessments

Assessment is the process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting and using responses gathered from participants, in order to track their learning progress. Data can be collected before, during and after the course. Participants can receive individual reports and discuss the results in class.

Pre Class Assessment: a self-assessment taken as a pre-work to test participants' knowledge before the beginning of the learning path in order to design a better learning experience.

Participants will receive a report with a recap of their answers but not the right ones. The right answers will be revealed and discussed in class with the instructor.

During and Post Class Assessment: a self-assessment taken as part of the learning path. Used to verify, strengthen, or explain one or more learning concepts. Participants will receive a report with a profile based on their answers.

This type of assessment can be used during class, to increase engagement and further discuss a topic, or at the end of the lesson as a takeaway for participants.